Thrustmaster Calibration Tool comments

The Thrustmaster Calibration Tool allows users to manually calibrate steering wheels, pedals, and mini-sticks for optimal performance

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rating Si
Works very well, but I'm shocked we have to download this software separately just to get full travel of our wheels and peddles, just remember to click "apply" after you calibrated, then run windows joystick setting and you should see full range.

3 months ago Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating Bm3244559
Wheel was applying brake and throttle by itself, thanks to this programs calibration now it's working perfectly.

Aug 1, 2024 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating mya
Didn't even let me press apply like ? i did everything it said and wouldn't let me press any buttons other then to change the thing i was calibrating (only had one thing plugged into my computer)

Oct 29, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating Denfinasvensken
Downloaded it to fix my steering wheel and realized that you can't even use the app.

Sep 24, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(7) no(0) | Reply
Gustavo Gabel
I had a problem with my wheel and this program saved me, god praise you! (Gott segne euch)

Aug 17, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
Matt White
Was working one day and doesnt work now
wont let me switch to manual mode

Mar 31, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(6) no(0) | Reply
rating Michael McGuire
Thank you! I went to play American Truck Simulator and for some reason, my wheel suddenly had started not wanting to finish calibration, and was left almost 10 degrees off center. After fighting with it for about an hour and frantically looking for solutions online, I found this tool and it saved me! Thank you!

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Gustavo Gabel
Michael McGuire, i had the exact same problem, and it worked for me too!

Aug 17, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
It's redirecting to download things I don't want!

Was it helpful?  yes(13) no(1) | Reply
Does exactly what it says on the tin, saved my a#*. After taking apart my pedals to make the brake more progressive, by inserting some rubber the calibration got messed up, this done the trick for me.

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Strange tool and a strange tutorial indeed.

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After no luck with СВ supplied with wheel and pedals, Thrustmaster sent email for win8 calibration tool, didn't work on our Ferrari experience wheel. Doesn't recognize wheel movement! Will be in touch with them Monday. Have a feeling this wheel isn't compatible with win8.0845 number to boot!

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